Monday, December 19, 2005

Results of Final Showdown Part 1

Something tells us that today will be the release of the results!!! The admin only stated week 3 of Dec but unlike past exams, there was no specific date... that felt lousy... The hype and all the kan-jiong-ness was building since morning... 4pm, still nothing... "Sorry, your results are not available yet" was the only message on screen... I could take it no more... went for a nap... at 7pm, MSN woke me up!!! RESULTS ARE OUT!!! results were out at 5pm - ok so how did it go???
Just as I was about to click on the final button... I kept repeating the words of one of the lecturer in my head:" Its not easy to do well, its also not easy to fail..." self-consolation??? This round was rather disappointing... I got a C for my Adv. Networks!!! WTF, that was my most confident and most interested subject... the rest got B.
The feeling of C for Networks gave me a jolt!!! Simply disappointing, networks was my most interested area and I didn't get a good grade... damn... This is also the first semester the GPA system is implemented, although I am not effected but it provided a small gauge for my position. Oh well, time to move on... 23rd is the registration, time to plan for the Finale!!!

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