And I misunderstood the "大闸蟹 da4 zha2 xie4" to be very BIG, haha.
We prepared a feast to share the crabs with him. We have never seen such crabs, not to mention tasted them. We were also very fortunate to have the guest teach us how to prepare them.
Recipe: "1) With the crabs still bound... Steam them alive!!!" Eat them with the best sauces of vinegar with ginger. Wow, I was stunned by his quick hands in handling the crabs. Especially when he had to re-tie a crab which came free!!! These creatures are very fast! and they can hurt you with the pincers or spikes real bad. Apparently he had been "toying" these creatures since his childhood days.
The crabs are not easy to eat. They are not only hairy, they have many spikes!!! Yikes, the spikes make eating very tedious. The taste??? I should say there isn't much meat but there is a lot of roe =)

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